Thursday, October 23, 2014

Don't give up! Get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! Stay positive!

I have a good story for why you need to get 2nd opinions and never stop asking questions. A friend of mine, who is a personal trainer, developed hip pain in both hips. It got worse with running and cycling. She went to a doctor and he said it was Bursitis, gave her an anti-inflammatory and said to give it a rest, back off on the biking and running. It did get some better but didn't go away. This went on for months. She happened to mention it to a physical therapist and he suggested it might be iliaccrest syndrome. She went home and used her foam roller, specifically on her glute medius (she said it hurt like crazy) and that relieved the pain. That's the thing with the foam roller, if it hurts it means you really need it. So now she is utilizing stretching techniques and the foam roller to help manage her issue. If she hadn't kept on asking people she would be on the anti-inflammatory indefinitely and never really resolve the issue. Luckily this issue can be resolved. Even if you have an issue that can't, like arthritis, there are always options to make it the best it can be. Don't give up, be proactive and stay positive!

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