Saturday, November 8, 2014

Open Water Swim Clinic - Another day in paradise

I conduct Open Water Swim Clinic's for people that are afraid or have anxiety about open water swimming.  Most triathletes don't like the swim.  The swim is my favorite part, I would like it to be longer.  It's the smallest part of a triathlon :(

I swim in the ocean often.  As I may have mentioned I live in South Florida near the beach which is usually warm, clear and beautiful.  There are also a lot of other people in the area that like to swim so I never have to swim alone :)

I often find myself helping out people that are very anxious in the water so I decided to do clinics to help people conquer their fear of open water swimming.  There are techniques and tools you can use for this.  The open water swim can be the most fun part of the triathlon, plus there are numerous open water swim events throughout the year that can be lots of fun too.  I teach people how to turn it around from fearful to fun.

This morning I had two ladies that are signed up for their first triathlon in Key West.  Today was, for one lady, her first swim in the ocean and she had a wetsuit on (no anxiety there, right?)  Yikes!  She did amazing.

The water was beautiful, not too cold, actually perfect temp.  Fairly clear with some swells.  The ladies did amazing.  Each of them had breakthroughs about swimming in the open water and are looking forward to more!

I am so lucky to be able to share part of their journey, one of the many things I love about triathlons.


  1. Hi! I'm 41 and have bilateral hip dysplasia and will eventually need a double THR. Can you share the name of your surgeon and physical therapist? So great that you've had such amazing results- I'm hoping for a similar situation and want to start doing my homework now. Thanks!

    1. Hi! My doctor was Dr. George Nichols. My PT was Yves Cartier, he works out of Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and I truly believe he is one of the best PT's in the country (ironically he is from Canada). Good luck! Please keep me posted and if I can help with anything let me know.
