Wednesday, March 11, 2015

You are what you eat?

Oh man!  I know better but I still do it.  I eat food that is not good for you.  I know the consequences but I still do it.  Who doesn’t have their favorite junk foods they love?  Every now and then I splurge on one of mine and last night was one of those times.  As a result my sleep wasn’t the greatest and my workout the next morning was awful!
In the morning I had an early morning track workout planned.  Ugh!  I had to literally peel myself out of bed, so sluggish.  Very unlike me in the morning.  I usually wake up just before my alarm, looking forward to the day ahead.  I made myself get up, my stomach was not happy.  So I took a Pepcid AC and ate half a banana and half a Bianca’s Brazilian Protein Bite.  Ok, felt a little better.  Off to the track.
Got there and ready did a little warm up and ready to go at 6:00 am  The first 20 minutes wasn’t so bad but then it all went downhill.  Stomach was upset and my workout just tanked.  Could not keep up any sort of effort.  I did get in about a 40 minute workout in, stretched and headed home.
Next up was supposed to be a weight/gym session.  What was I thinking!!!  Ugh again!  I didn’t get vey far, did not have any stamina or strength and my stomach was not happy!  So I made breakfast.  Now I feel better and will get back to my weight/gym workout this afternoon. 
Geez, seems like way to much drama for me this morning over eating junk food the day before.  I have to remember two things.  Don’t eat so much of it at one time and remember what the after effects are!  I need to put that saying on something and then hit myself in the head with it when I decide to eat badly
It is rare I do eat that badly and it’s such a lesson on what food can do, or not do for you.  I truly believe so many people don’t realize how bad they feel on a daily basis because of their diet.  Food affects you greatly!  You don’t have to spend a lot of money or follow some crazy diet.  Just try and cut out sugars, and processed food.  Eat what nature makes not processed.  Whole foods are good.  And you can never eat enough veggies.
You will get to a place where you crave veggies if for some reason you can’t get your daily dose.  When you clean up your eating you will notice how much better you feel.  That will help you make better decisions.  You can eat other food that may not be the best choice, just don’t eat it as much or as often.  You will be amazed how fast you change what good, healthy food you actually will look forward to eating.

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